Sadie & Ross

May 31, 2025 • Sylacauga, AL

Sadie & Ross

May 31, 2025 • Sylacauga, AL

Our Story

Our Story

Picture of Our Story

Our story begins at Camp Ozark during the Summer of 2020 where we first met as camp counselors. Ross bribed one of his campers into playing a game that Sadie was running so that he could talk to her. A friendship blossomed from this encounter, and they stayed in touch after camp was over. It was not until the Fall of 2021 that Ross and Sadie truly reconnected back in Auburn. Ross was attracted to Sadie’s confidence and calming spirit, and was encouraged to ask her out by multiple friends. He considered all of the fine dining options that Auburn had to offer, and landed on Sonic. They spoke about each other’s current and past experiences, and realized that they had so much in common. Ross stepped it up for their first official date, but Sonic will always be a special place. After weeks of hanging out and getting to know each other more, it was apparent that Ross and Sadie had chemistry. Ross asked Sadie to be his girlfriend on November 8, 2021, a few weeks too late according to Sadie, since she responded saying “finally!”. ATO date parties, Auburn football game days, and trips to Lake Martin gave Ross and Sadie plenty of happy memories early on. During the Summer of 2022, Sadie’s family decided it was time to get to know this Ross person better, so they took him on a family beach trip. He passed the tests of long bike rides and intense pickle ball matches, and won over the approval of the Jensen family. It was at this beach trip that Ross realized he loved Sadie and could see a long future with her. Ross and Sadie look back on this year as one of the best of their lives, as their relationship grew much stronger amidst all the fun and activity. Ross and Sadie’s love carried them through plenty of hard and uncertain times. Their faith in Jesus Christ has been their rock, and they plan to build their marriage on top of it. Having each other to navigate early adulthood has been a blessing, and they have felt the call to marriage for a long time. Ross and Sadie will always be thankful for the past few years, and cannot wait to spend the rest of their lives together!